Spending Time with Dinosaurs
Photo Nellie de Boer

Since deciding to work for the Dinosaurs the dancers Adriano Wilfert Jensen and Emma Daniel have been waiting for and collecting choreographic wishes from the dinosaurs, so far they include a wide range of expressions. The dancers do their best to fulfill these wishes, however they might manifest, so far no wish have been redrawn by the choreographers. The Dinosaurs have not yet provided any statement on the piece. The following text is sourced from spectators:“The performative collage of dance, singing, giant drawing, objects and costumes seems at once random and carefully constructed.” “With Dinosaurs as choreographers, neither the dancers nor the audience can have full access to the intention and meaning of the piece. How does that change how we spend time with each other?” “A fascinating investigation of the essence of being an artist and an audience.”Kristian Husted wrote about the piece in Politiken: “(...) fælles for dem og Ingvartsen er at de viser os en verden, hvor mennesket ikke længere er i centrum, men bevæges og styres af (menneskeskabte) kræfter, som følger helt andre logikker.”Choreography: The Dinosaurs
Dance, PR & Production: Emma Daniel & Adriano Wilfert Jensen
Coach: Krõõt Juurak Duration: 40 min


CPR (New York City), Dansehallerne (Copenhagen), Notafe (Viljandi), Sign 6 (Brussels), Extrapool (Nijmegen), Ufer studios (Berlin), Dansekapellet (Copenhagen), Performing Arts Forum (Saint Erme)